hello i live on the west coast of the north american continent,.. which also happens to be the same area of the rock where vancouver bc and whister bc ar located. we are in what is callled "pacific time zone" but due to the fact that nbc is a fuckin shit shack all events partaining to the olympics will be delayed 3 hours. I AM FUCKIN PISSED ive tryed to stream it live but due to the fact i do not reside in the domminion of canada i cannot stream. i found a good am raido station that is broadcasting it but come the fuck on. just cause you fucks in new york cannot watch it in real time. does not mean you should fuck us over.!!! i understand that the only reason nbc does theses games is to promote there new shity ass shows and have a feild day with the commerical spots... it might just be me but i hate this shit.. at least with bejing we could get up and watch live..