first we have some of my stickers. hit me up with some trades or if u want to buy any
next we got some anon figments in 8/10 shape wore for about half a season then got some c bars looking for about 50 or a fresh trade.
IGNANT TALL SWEATSHIRT looking for like 45-50 super tall and mad steeze
quicksilver glasses have better pics if u want to look at my pictures looking for some nice offers
fresh lowrider skullcandys pinkish redish. 9/10 condition got icons so trying to sell these looking for about 20?
helmet looking for about 30 or offer more pics in pictures.
windelles ipod video works perfect and i have just a regular one not covered in stickers 30 gb both work like they were just bought make some offers.
and last some hats. offer up or i will throw one in with a purchase