at high dawn, my convoy was ambushed by taliban militia
the front 2 jeeps were hit the rpg missles
my car was hit by a mine and thrown sides
vechicle on falmes i went prone beside a large rock and returned fire with my red tiger intervention
i then used a uav to find the enemies location
i found 2 more tangos and got a sniper achievement
i then procded to use predator missle on 3 militia members
after which i ran into the building to my right and swaped my sniper for my spas 12
i went to the attic and found 2 taliban snipers.
i stood behind them t-bagging the ground and then sent them a text messaging saying look behind u
i then stuck them with a semtex gernade and ran for the stairs
my radio checked in notifying me of a harrier stirke
i lay out the cordinates and hit the dirt
the enemies stood no chance, they had ran out of rpg and stinger missles
my pelcan drop ship came, and master chief jumped off with the arbiter, at first i was like
but then i lawled