I'm at the stage in my life where I'm a sophomore in college and need to declare a major. I'm in the College of Business at Colorado State pretty much because that tends to be what people go into when they have no idea what they want to do. fml right?
It sucks seeing everyone making the most of their education in engineering/sciences and working towards certain niches that they love. I wish it were that easy for me, but math and sciences have never been my thing. All I really know is that I would love to be involved in the ski industry in some way, and I'm shitting myself at the even idea of working in a cubicle working my way up to becoming the operations manager in an accounting firm or some shit.
I'm leaning towards marketing or management. marketing because I've always been good at art and left brain shit, but it tends to pay poorly. management seems to have more opportunities, but not sure it's my thing.
Any ideas/recommendations/experiences?