So after highschool, instead of college, I'm thinking about getting my commercial heli licence. A CHL costs in the area of $50,000, with a ton of flight time, a ton of learning, dedication, its going to be hard. But it pays off, heli pilots make a shit ton of money, don't work very often, and when they do, its fun as hell. Sounds unbeatable to me.
But then I thought; The military gives that shit out for free, right? I don't know anything about the military, I've always sworn I wouldn't join (for many reasons: too lazy, gay, uninterested, don't care enough about the US) but hell, I'd do alot to not have to drop 50g on a licence. So basically, how do I join, what branch do I join, to specifically get my pilots licence and gtfo? I have excellent vision btw, 20/16 in both eyes.