While I do not hate or discriminate anyone by the basis of their skin, nationality, religion etc. I instead base my opinion on people based on how they act. However, there is a certain growing subgroup in the African American community that I have a personal vendetta against. This dreaded subgroup has certain requirements that must be meet before you can be classified in it. Such requirements like not being able to speak standard English, or not being able to formulate coherent sentences, in addition to having no manners whatsoever.This subgroup, which I have labeled a certain name for it which I will not say here, has become a major nuisance in my life.
My college, the University of Cincinnati is pretty much in the ghetto, while the actual campus is quite nice, the surrounding areas are not. We are within a few miles from the most dangerous neighborhood in the country, Over the Rhine, and every week I get an email informing me of a off campus armed robbery or assault over a cell phone or something stupid like that. 99% of the time those emails read "suspect is XXX XXX African American, please contact authorities if you have any information". It literally seems that 80% of the black community at my University falls under my labeled subgroup, which lacks the requirements of being considered remotely civilized. Therefore I have sadly began slowly stereotyping people in this category before giving them a chance. Which is not a good thing at all...
My point of my rant is that if your roommate is from somewhere like me or worse cut him some slack as he prob has reasons for his prejudices.