no, read it better....
the quantum interpretation:
when the box is closed the cat is both dead and alive; both states exist at the same time!
this is called a superposition of states....
then when you open the box the wave function that describes the cat's state collapses and becomes one of the two, so the cat turns out dead or alive...
in quantum physics a similar theory exists around quantum particles; as long as you don't observe any of the particles they can be in all their possible states at the same time
once you observe a particle it takes up one particular state and will no longer "be" all the other states...
this is one of the key elements that enable future quantum computing; computers use elemental particles to transmit data....
so to come back on the "when you close the door, is the hallway still there?"
if the door is closed the hallway can be / is every possible state.
it can be there, it can't be there, it can be upside down, it can be pink, it can be small, it can be big, etc....
all those possible states are described by a wave function.
once you open the door and look at the hallway the wavefunction collapses and the hallway falls back to 1 state: it's just a regular hallway.
then when you close the door again the hallway is again represented by a wave function; but a different one because you've looked; now you know it's a regular hallway; but still, when you look again, there is a chance the hallway willl be something else; it might be in another state....
so in terms of quantum computing this enables the computer to send quantum particles with data; a particle can be in any state; but once you've looked at it, it becomes 1 state and when you send it away again the initial particle will have another wave function....
voila just by observing a particle you have "changed" its state-function, you have given the particle a meaning, data, whatever.... far schrodingers cat.
i'm sorry if my explanation is weird sometimes, english isn't my first language and explaining quantum physics is weird anyway....