I made some mini posters of the Haiti earthquake situation. I'm going to print out a bunch of them and just post them up in places where they'll be frequently seen.
If you have time, you should do the same. It might be possible to have them printed for free or at a discount at your school library or a printing place, so you should ask.
To print them right you might have to save them to your computer and print them on word or some other program. Use any or all of them.
Also, if you'd like them in slightly higher quality just pm me your email address and i would be more than happy to forward you an email with all the pics as attachments.
thanks for you time
...and if you thinking about doing it. Just do it, these people don't have time for you to dilly dally.
have a nice day!
thank BBC for the pictures and text.
here is a link to where im hosting the pics http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v608/lemonanlime9/haiti/
ps if you want to get really into it check this out http://citynoise.org/article/1177

thanks again guys!
oh and one more thing if your going to donate make SURE its a legit organization and not some scammer taking your money.