Whats up UK? I'm American but most of my family and some of my friends and shit live across the pond, so I generally try to go there every summer for a few weeks. Usually I just kick it, get drunk, hit some clubs, go to a massive like Global or Big Chill, whatever.
Last summer I tried to plan my trip too late and didn't get to go, so I have some extra money for this trip. I've always wanted to do a summer ski trip, so I figured why not combine the two?
I guess what I'm looking for is advice on which dry slopes to hit up. Obviously I want ones with park features, but I'm not as ridiculous as a lot of kids on NS, so I don't need anything gigantic. Just some jumps up to 25 feet, down-flat boxes, 10 or 20 foot rails, that sort of stuff. I usually land in London and go to Aylesbury, Worcester, Birmingham, Wycombe, and Carlisle, so places close to there would be awesome but I travel alone so I can really go anywhere I want. I could go to southern Scotland too probably.
Been thinking about this for a couple of weeks and didn't really know where to start, the only dry slope I know of is the one in High Wycombe, but I've never been there or anything, just seen signs for it. Any advice would be great.
And I've also never actually skied on a dry slope so what is that whole thing like? I heard bailing hurts a lot more.