To me, one of the glaring issues with this style besides everything else afformentioned is because the judges don't want to put out such high scores in the first round.
It happened with SImon and I think it happened with Andreas in the slopestyle.
Their first run may have been better, but they don't want to set the bar too high before everyone else has had their shot to make something stick out in their mind.
Also a lot comes down to what you like to see for style. In Andreas' first slopestyle run, he one footed most of it, and I think didn't score that high because the judges didn't like it.
Think of it this way, next time you watch one of these events. Watch only the run they show, no slow mo or anything, and start giving scores out and see what you come up with. My guess is that many of us would fall into doing the exact same things judges do right now.