Hey Guys,
So i haven't been avoiding this thread i just haven't had time to do much...
Park Rebuild is finished for now... we moved lots of stuff... Wally is like 45º wall ride thingy, i think it has some cool potential. C-Rail is at the top of the park, Then i moved dub dub to the next shelf and made it flat down flat, then a big gap to the S-rail and the Down rail is as they were. Tom moved tall-T to the bottom shelf with a gnarly setup should be good. We moved the 30' box to the other side of the park, and Tom will likely add corrugated pipe above that tonight. We put the 16' round rail as an UP kinda canon rail thingy on the bottom shelf, and then we added a middle step-up/over thingy, looks like a pretty good jump, little poppy right now and its probably getting mellowed out a bit, rainbow is next to that hit, with a little bit of change up there. Some things to expect soon... Descending Box after the Rollercoast box, Corrugated pipe above 30 box, S-Rail Flip, and probably add Kink Box to the Shelf where the Dub dub is, maybe. we're still throwing that around.
Whew enough of that. Hope you all like it.
SOOOO here is what i tried to post two days ago but didn't have time...
Here are my thoughts on Park Location Changes and the likes...
So there is my Option 1 that makes the most sense for PNS. Add a new double or Triple chair lift near the bottom of the Orange Chair that runs kinda parallel to the Orange chair but would stop short near the top of Showtime and Encore, therefore allowing access to all the tree runs, cutting down on the beginner traffic to this chair. The Park would end up being all of the New Runway area, starting around the Race Shack. The hill is a little steep but would probably work very nicely for a park, its wide open and has good snowmaking, and it out of the way.
Here is my 2nd option which would be better for us parkers and for the racers, which moves the top more down hill toward the park and the race shack allowing the fastest lap times. This option is however the least likely.
And here we have my favorite option... Total reshape of Jam Session and all of the area above Jam Session, to be all park all the time. We would have to do a lot of Dirt work and also have to add a Chair lift that would service nothing but the park. Beginner Park would be on one side advanced would be on the other. There is also a chance that we would be able to keep Audition for an intermediate park or the beginner park... not sure. I could see us getting a Stereo to service the park, and getting all kinds of different features that might not fly in the current park.
These are just my dreamings there is no real plan for any of them, but if the park were to move those are the places that i would petition for personally.
I do like the idea of adding some stair like things up into the woods with a better drop in area, however i don't know how that would work with limiting speed and setting up the first jump and that whole area.
As far as getting banned for 8 days, typically Poodles is particularly harsh on repeat offenders. if you don't fall into that category then i really don't know the circumstances. Usually the first time you forget your pass you can get a ticket and just a warning, the next time it will cost you, and after that you're in trouble. That is just the typical protocol and all of those factors can be changed, like if you said you got caught skiing over your 8 hrs. they may count that as your warning time. But again i don't know the circumstances, and usually Poodles is just doing his job, and his job is to keep order. You wouldn't believe the number of people that Poodles catches riding without a lift ticket, or how many people he has caught with fake tickets. He is incredibly good at it, and so it is worth having him, even if his customer service skills are somewhat less than desirable. Those who ride with no lift ticket or fake tickets drive the cost for everyone else up. And i'm not just saying that, it is a fact, if those people paid like everyone else, then we wouldn't need someone like poodles, and we would have less payroll costs, and we wouldn't need to make more money off of less people. I'm sorry that you had a bad time with Poodles though.
As to address the concerns with the Current park conditions and their being somewhat bland. We know... we have been trying to address the situation for some time. With my current schedule it is very hard to find time to meet with Tom and get the Park rebuilt. Typically it can only happen on Mon. Wed. or Friday, and since we've been dealing with holidays and what not, plus new snowfall it is hard to dedicate time to that, instead of snow removal or just General Hill grooming. So I am going to apologize for a blandness of park this season. I am currently going to school full time, working full time, and have two children under 2, so life is kinda crazy around my house, and finding time to get all of my many tasks done is hard. However I have felt like that Parks that we have been building are fun, packed full of features, and many options. Jam Session as always has fallen behind, but we're working on a plan for it as well. From my point of view it is very hard to come up with "unique features" that work in the space we're given, and are, from a management perspective, "Safe." There are whole magazine articles and contests dedicated to helping resorts make their features unique and safe.
I do try, like always, to listen to people's ideas and make the park the place that you want to ride. I always like hearing new ideas and thoughts on new ways to do things. So i might not make comments on these threads all the time, but i do read them.
Sorry for the SUPER long post... enjoy