Here's the deal, im going on a trip which cost me alot, its 4 days 3 nights.
This trip does not include food, i really really want to avoid spending extra money on food. The hotel rooms ( as far as i know ) do not have fridges.
Basically im going to try and bring as much non-perishable( spelling ?) food as i can to avoid spending that much money.
Theres going to be alot of drinking on the trip so i dont want to have an empty stomach or else some nights wont end up so good.
I cant live of dry foods and i know the words cheap and good dont really go together when talking about food but what are some options other than mcdicks. Im just trying to make an already unhealthy trip some what more healthy.
I know theres a shit load of broke college students and ski bums here on NS so give me some good advice when surviving with out spending that much money.