Is it just me, or does anyone else think that this Jay dude is a complete bro. Allow me to cite a reference:
"After all, it's not like they sued you brah." --specifically note the use of the word "brah" numerous times
"Forget it all. Live and let live. Hit the slopes and hit the keyboard less. Because on the day you die and your loving family is there around you, it really comes down tn how many turns you made and not how many bridges you burned in the name of some distant quarrel that never really effected you." --say this to yourself in a total "bro" voice, and tell me this guy does not have his sunglasses tilted up outside his beanie, a bro-stache, and a pair of birkenstocks right this moment.
Anyway, to McKenna, way to go dude. That dude sounds like a total prick and I think it's good you are letting ignorant fucks like him know how much that company has fucked over a great film legacy and the legend that founded it. props.