This is blue helmet medium the R.E.D. Mutiny virtually new i used it twice. Its $60 with shipping. Comes with the attachment and in the original bag.
The website description... "The Red Mutiny Helmet's military styling and low-profile design fights
back against boring brain-bucket designs. Instead of external vents,
air flows up and through the Mutiny Helmet's liner as you ride. The
adjustable, internal system allows for a clean, stealth design. This
Red helmet's visor is not only stylish—it helps prevent the dreaded
gaper look. The Mutiny Helmet weighs nearly nothing, so you won't feel
like you're trying to ride with a bowling ball strapped to your head.
If you want to take the Mutiny to the skate park, feel free. Just
remove the earpads and goggle clip."
the picture wouldnt load so heres a link to it (yea i posted it cheaper on here)