I am not asking for anyone to create my design. When did I say that? I do not discourage anyone from making their own design. In fact, if anyone messages me I will give them the link. If someone is planning on entering the contest, then they won't post here. I give people advice/ideas for designing all the time.
The fact is that taking 1 minute of your time and doing a quick critique of my current design and suggest improvements is not a big deal. If you don't have the time, or don't want to... don't post. I am not making anyone do anything. All the ideas are given voluntary.
You think of contests in the wrong way. You just think that everyone is enemies, but in fact if another member here on ns won, I would be stoked for them, and if I had the chance to help them out... even better. I wouldn't expect any compensation. Designing isn't all about being selfish... and if I did win, and I used an idea from someone here, they might get a little somethin to express my gratification.