Get the guitar bro. There are plenty of acoustics that are sick in that price range. One of my favorite guitars I've ever played was a $350 Alvarez. Just go to a huge store, walk around, and play every acoustic. One of them is going to have that buttery smooth fretboard coupled with awesome intonation. IMO shopping for an acoustic is not like shopping for an electric, there is that one guitar that you can find that will just be amazing, and price doesn't always have too much to do with it. Sure, I like my $700 Epiphone better than my $70 off brand classical guitar and my buddy's $3000+ Les Paul plays a lot better than his $125 squire strat, but I don't know, with acoustic guitars there is more feel and personality to it I think. Its just about finding one that is right for you, and it could really be any price.
PROTIP: Don't buy online just because it is cheaper. Find it online for cheap, print out the page, then bring it in to your local music shop. Lots of places will match the price, and you'll actually get to try it out, and support a local business.