Dude, let me help you out. I had the SAME problem. My boots were a bit too big like yours, so I did a little bit of experimenting on them to save muneez by not getting a new pair. OK, watch Van Valen's 4FRNT Tech Talk video about boots. You'll get to get that foam material that he talks about. Just get it at Walmart in the sewing/crafts section (Does Canada have Walmart?, Not important, just get some foam rubber sheets at any craft store.) Now, when you get the foam rubber, you don't have to follow Valen's instructions EXACTLY, but at least put the foam "cut-outs" in the general area that he shows you. (Behind the shin and above the toe piece of the liner. Get Shoe Goo to glue it to the boot, it's a little pungent, but you get a little high off the fumes, so it gets kind of enjoyable about half way through the project. Also, what I did, because I had too much up and down motion going on, I got a 4 pack of those odor eater insert soles and glued 2 of them together in pairs so I had two like, double-think odor eaters and inserted them into the liner. So, not only did I get extra padding, I also got rid of some boot stank! So, in summation:
1. Get foam rubber sheets
2. Get Shoe Goo for all the gluing involved in the process
4. Do your own thing by cutting out the foam the way that's the most comfortable and "room-filling" to your over-sized boot
5. Get four odor eater pads and glue (shoe goo) two of them together to get a double thick insert and put it in your boot.
6. Let the glue in everything dry overnight BEFORE you put the boot pad back inside the "hard boot"
7. Put everything together the next day and see where you need more padding/ see where you might need to take a little out.
If you need some more help bro, feel free to pm me. I know it's rough being low on cash, yet still trying to keep that steeze. I hope this helps.