Hey so pretty much boots have always been a problem for me since I have started skiing. My first pair of boots were like 2 sizes too big, and my current boot are a much better fit but not perfect. Right now with my current boots I have to tighten literally all the buckles to the max so that it fits properly. When I do that however and i try to flex forward it is very difficult to get a "flex" and causes multiple pressure points on my shin. In addition when I first got these boots for the first 3 weeks I had the worst possible "calf bang" in the world. It was just pain on the side of my calf muscle, and I have been getting that more then actually "shin bang".
Pretty much I believe the main problem for my boot problems is due to poor boot fitting. I live in Ohio so I don't really have to big of a selection for getting boots/fitting. So i am asking you guys if you can give me a general brand of boots i should begin looking at. I think i got a normal size foot, maybe a bit narrow, but i have really tiny calves. So are there any boots that would go better for my build?
I am pretty open to any brand really, I just want something that fucking fits.