Yea cause EVERYTHING Fox says is completely wrong. This is pretty much what all you dumbfucks are saying. So everything you hear you should just take as the complete opposite. O shit last year Fox said was elected president.
You- Well sense Fox said he's president he must not be.
The lack of logic or pure common sense in this thread is amusing. Here is an essay I wrote for the fun of it just to piss all you liberals out there on NS off.
I take the Constitution very literally. Extreme interpretation of it will one day doom this Utopian fate of government that was envisioned by our founding fathers. The preamble states that we must "promote general welfare", this means that through our efficient system of capitalism are government will promote and support private sector programs that provide general welfare. It is not the Federal nor State governments responsibility to provide general welfare which in fact is taking place today with the Congressionally proposed healthcare legislation. (George Washington would be laughing at this idea btw) This action being proposed is outside the outside the lines of the Democratic Republic type of government that has made this nation the greatest in the universe for nearly 200 years. The new stance being taken by our Liberal Congress and the Obama Administration is walking the line with tyranny. Question, wasn't it a tyrannical type of government that the original 13 colonies fought against to form a more perfect union in the mid 18th century. Obviously the system put into effect by our founding fathers works and as of right now has been the best system in the world. So why would we want to change something so symmetrical and parallel to the neighboring countries across the pond in which is a very ineffective system for numerous reasons.
This is the man that I want to run for president in 2012. He has got my vote.