I'm sorry I can't be bothered writing shit twice. If it matters that much to you you're welcome to copy paste everything I've written in the blog and make a new post here. I didn't think that one more mouse click to my (non-comercial, totally unserious) blog would be too much of a hassle, I realize that some people have bad clicking stamina, and if you wanna help those people put feel free to copy paste :-)
And how is this promoting? I want to tell people a story, I hardly see how I benefit from them reading it on the blog (which again has: no ads, no sponsorships, no nothing) which I can update easily compared to writing new posts here? I figured now that I've shown people the blog they can follow it if they want to. I also realize there's a blog function on here, but it seemed like you had to be "a featured blogger" to use it.
What do you think people should post on here? Countless discussions on who's got taller tall tees and who is afterbangs harder get boring after a while, but that might just be me that's weird that way.