read the whole experiment they "bust' the myth with an experiment where subject are exposed to cold and wear only swimming trunks; only 10%of their boddy heat was lost through their head.
Myth busted? I don't think so!
If you are skiing around, wearing a warm jacket, warm pants, warm boots, etc.
almost none of your bodyheat will be lost through your body, because it's so well insulated.
If you then proceed to go out skiing with nothing on your head and your head all exposed; you will lose most bodyheat through your head; simply because it's the only region were bodyheat can be lost...
i can't find the other experiment, but it was a similar one where they would put test subjects in sleeping bags, exposed to extreme cold with only their face free.
Then they measured the heat loss for the body; it was almost 0 because the sleeping bags insulated so well... (they do several spot measurements on the sleeping bag; calculate heat loss/in² or heat loss/cm² and then extrapolate that heat loss to the whole surface of the sleeping bag)
I don't have any exact numbers anymore of the experiment but i tought that loss of body heat through the face was somewhere around 80!!!% of the total body heat loss....
So as far as i'm concerned the "myth" or "theory" is still standing and this scientific research has only proven the obvious and taken the real meaning of the myth out of context...
Sparknotes: Most bodyheat will still be lost through your head, as long as the rest of your body is properly insulated...
Sparknotes²: scientific experiment was done on people in swimming trunks, exposed to cold; ofcourse most heat will dissipate through your body; but if your body is properly insulated most heat will still dissipate through your head, simply because its the worst isolated ....
Imho this scientific "study" is a great example of drawing the wrong conclusions of your test-measurements and incorrect extrapolation of the results.