Bowg - ciggarette, people say they're gunna boooowg or smoooowke a booooowg, with a drawn out 'ohhhh' sound
Buck - Fuck, "You buck her yet?"
Keeesh - Smoke Marijuana, "Last night I was so keeeeeeeshed" or "yo lets keeeeesh"
Brewsin - driving around town, nothings going on, so your friends just have a few beers while your driving around, essentially the act of drinking a 'road beer'
Faceback - when you go on facebook and your about to make a comment or write on someone's wall, but then your like, no I'm gunna look like a stalker, so you faceback
Sparm - you get out of the shower and you start drying off and you realized there is still soap (now sparm) in your armpit.