I weighed my options, and somehow I came to the conclusion that the best option would be to build my own. Renting first, buying used, or buying new seemed like inferior options.
So with zero experience in skiing or building skis I set out to make a press. Big thanks goes to skibuilders.com and their forum for all the info and know-how from those who went before.
I built the press from scratch. (not that there was really another option) Costs for that came to about $230 when it was all said and done.
I got the fiberglass, edges, base, topsheet, ect. from skibuilders.com. I bought epoxy from Entropy Resins. Finally, I bought 9-ply baltic birch for the cores.
Loading it up
Fresh off the press
Trimmed up
Testing them out
Testing my new skis from nate myton on Vimeo.
Anyways. I'm super pumped to try them out for real. I'm currently at the airport waiting to fly to Portland. Then I'm going to Sun Valley, Idaho and I'll be able to give them a real test.
Specs for the skis:
Center mount