For years I have felt that Vail's park was way substandard compared to
other parks around the country. Always pissed me off that with all the
resources Vail Resorts has, they couldn't put together a terrain park
that was worth 2 shits.
All that has changed this season. It's still early and the jump lines
aren't open yet, but the rail yard is better than it ever has been.
The guys on the park crew worked their butts of this summer fabricating
some great features and they don't even have all of them out yet. It
used to be that they had beginner boxes and pretty expert rails and
nothing in between. Now they have a ton of intermediate stuff. I'm on
the bottom rung of the steeze ladder, but I had more fun and made more
progress today on the new setup than I did with weeks of sessioning
previous years' parks.
I know that some of the Vail Park Crew guys are on NS because I stopped
and talked to one today. Just want to say THANKS to those guys for all
their hard work. With the exception of a few gapers blowing through
the park in the ever popular "Peruvian Goat Humper's Tuck", it was the
perfect session. If you are heading to Vail, I think you will really
have fun in the GP Park this season.