Sooo... my week has been absolute utter shit... Had 5 finals in 1 week... my girlfriend who bought me a bunch of christmas presents... decides.. to dump me without telling me... AFTER I bought her christmas presents.. so now im stuck with a brand new pair of Anon Majestics.. Don't have any pics right now as they still haven't been delivered but I'll get them up as soon as they arrive at my doorstep.
Here's the link to what they look like.. no im not a scammer.. just a depressed mofo trying to sell a pair of goggles I have absolute no use for... pics will be up as soon as they are shipped.,default,pd.html?dwvar_218668987_variationColor=987&start=1&cgid=womens-optics-goggles-lenses
looking to get 90$ USD as this things haven't been taken out of the package.