Some of you may have seen my thread while back called "sucker punch=jaw wired shut". I just got unwired and got to eat my first meal. Some dank ass mexican chicken soup thing my mom made, it was dank as fuck. That was the best but worst injury i have ever had. It was the best because i could still ski. It was the worst because 6 weeks without food is not easy. Towards the end i was getting so dizzy if i stood up to fast that, i would literally have to sit back down. Anyways now im kicken back and drinken some bud light and if you hate on this thread, i dont give a fuck.
Anyways, I just had to tell my internets about the amazing food i just had. happy holidays people. and i hope non of you have to get your jaw wired shut. Unless your a punkass mafucka.
Drunken ShredMcNasty