I just bought a pair of new boot Dalbello Krypton Rampages size 26.5 and I used to have Salomon boots size 27 . My old bsl was 319 and my new bsl is 306. I was able to adjust my px12 real easy and get the forward pressure correct, but with my STH 16 I find that i don't have much room to play with. I think I might be doing this wrong. I've used the "worm screw" (or what i think it is from reading other threads) to move the binding forward and backward. From what Ive read this is to adjust the forward pressure. This screw is the small one with the arrow.
The screw only moves the heal piece about 5mm forward and backwards from where its mounted. When i have the heal piece moved as far up as i possible can this is what it looks like with new boot resting in it.
There is a gap with the new boots and with my old boot it sits all the way in the heal cup (other ski that I have not adjusted yet)
The difference here is noticeable, but then I click both of the boots into the bindings and it looks the same. New boot is contacting both ends with no wiggle room (after I adjusted toe wings, haven't touched vertical toe pressure yet)
and a pic of the forward pressure worm screw when clicked in, looks the same as when there is no boot in the binding.
But i noticed when I have my old boots clicked in the forward pressure screw looks different seems to be popped out.
I assume being popped out is normal and a measure of the forward pressure.
Now my questions are:
Is it ok even if the forward pressure screw doesn't pop out?
Is the worm screw how you adjust the bsl and forward pressure?
Is there another way to change the bsl?
Do I need to get them remounted?
Any suggestions?
The tech I bought them from gave me a brief description of what to do and hasn't seem to be too much help. He also said i could come in if i had any questions and they could look at it, but I decided to ask you guys first. I know that you shouldn't mess with your bindings unless you know what your doing but I have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing. I know there are a lot of shop techs and experienced people on here so any helpful advice is good and will earn you karma. If I seem to missed any info/pic needed let me know I tried to be thorough with this post.