So this chick shows up and I'm about to next cause she's kinda busted? anywho I start talking to her and turns out she goes to school in texas now but grew up probably 30-45min from me and graduated same year and went to one of the other high schools in my region.(like one of the main schools we play for sports) Crazy outta 2000 people.
Some Taliban Jabawoceez shit
A random fuckin came of some chick showering in full leather hahahaha wtf?
Haha it connected and we both made stupid face and just nexted haha
haha I wanted to insult the kid but this was the best I came up with which we both ended up laughing at haha
Every time I said yo with my flat brim on people would be like "yoooo what up gangster" or "nigga"
So I decided to say something about it this time
this couple turned out to be pretty cool, they went to brown and the dude actually went to summer camp and one of his field trips was to the Pittsfield Mets which are our like less than semi pro baseball team who used to be decent back when i was like 6, since then they've gone and like 12 other teams have been in there.
hahaha this was epic it had one of face in whole pictures except with just your eyes, like with the mona lisa filter on photobooth on macs, except it had some girl gettin pounded out haha I doubt it was live video but his response was classic(no worries mods, i painted x's with a brush over her 2 pixel wide nipples just to be safe)
So this one was interesting, at first glance I was like saweet, but the more I look at it...the more I see a possible amorphous skin blob look at the left side of her body, if she had a nice body I'm thinkin I could see her side near her arm.....but the skin just keeps going! hahahah scaryyyyy
Alright so fuck this, It connects with that image on the camera, I'm like ok this has potenial, then it the camera slowely pans up and I catch the underside of some possible raggity ass tits....still on sure I wait, the camera starts panning down, past her stomach, at which I'm like ok, then I start seein some untrimmed hair, "oh jesus, please stop" she continues and out of digusted intrigue my eyes could not look away, and the finally a crazy fuckin lookin vagina (not ok) mixed with a 3/4" of bush just all fuckin wildly trimmed. at which point I added "and shave" to my above comments and dipped outta there
Had like half a conversation me speaking spanish and this brazillian speaking portugese. I was pretty impressed with my comprehension and ability to pull words from 4 years of spanish after 3 years.
and finally I could do nothing but fuckin laugh at this kid when his picture showed up on the cam hahaha both times we got connect hahaha