Handful of Wrens left to go, Scott is not sleeping until the last one is pressed, hes been up something like 3 days... Anyways, what to say.
David Steele broke another pair of cheap park skis last week, and thus came down to Portland over the weekend to help us get to his (and everyone elses) 181 Jeronimo's out. Hes been a great help here, when you're a small company, an extra person goes a long way.
Thats why Sam Caylors Bellingham entourage ruled. I think at one point we had 7 people sitting around sanding edges late Saturday night. You guys (and girl!) absolutely kicked ass for us. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have saved Sam and I hours of work that we can now devote to getting these skis out.
We're expecting half of the 191 Wrens to go out Monday. The other half on Tuesday. Small batch of 176 Billy Goats next, then 181 J-mo, Cease and Desist, 191 Caylor and 181 Caylor. After that, boom boom boom, switching the presses out like mad, most models have small enough orders they will take less than a day to press.
Expect a little treat around midweek, I'm committing to taking and posting more pictures as the days go by. For now, a box full of Wrens.