and I love it, but lets face it, we are only one step removed from tabogganing. instead of sitting on a slippery piece of wood and plastic we are standing on is meant to be enjoyed in the same way, as a way to have fun on the snow with your friends....
now take a step back for a second and picture a bunch of tabogganers (or gt'ers if you will) wearing baggy ass tall t's, acting like thugs, making gang signs to the camera and arguing about each others style off of their taboggan jumps. picture big air gt competitions, and people getting all worked up about the judging and what tricks were thrown....
skiing is nothing. its a fun way to play in the snow on slippery sticks. it is not gangster, or stylish, or thug or anything. remember John Symms powder article, he was trying to convey the same thing with the figure skating comparison
99.9 per cent of the members of this site will never be a pro skier, not to be a downer but that is just how it also wont get hit by lighting or win the lottery. so just take a step back and enjoy skiing for what it is....a fun way to get out in the snow and goof around and stop being so serious about it all, cause in the end.....none of it matters