first off, sorry, but my arm isnt doing really well. actually its bad...
i was able to fix the lip of that small table to be a bit more realistic, so that's good. tried to re-do some of the set ups for the weekend...
NEWS: the long awaited ACTUAL PARK BUILD begins monday. park will be closed till 12pm.
2 cats, 5 diggers, 12 new set ups...
we're clearing way for snow making for the main event booter and getting the "public park" done so we can focus on the main event slope style course the week after.
after main event course and that martin luther king weekend, we'll step up the "public park" again to the standards that you all hold us to after this many seasons.
again, sorry for the past couple weeks, but its not good... surgen is pissed, my arm is pissed, my girl is pissed....
put up some vids so i can get a better feel for how you want things since i cant really get up there to much in teh day