Ballin' RaidMax Chassis
Acer 22' LCD Monitor
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 gHz
640 GB Internal HD
4.0 GB RAM
1.0 GB ATI Radeon Video Card
Windows Vista SP2 Ultimate
Wireless Ethernet Card
Firewire Card
Front USB Ports
Logitech Mouse
Standard USB Keyboard
-I've had it for less than 5 months.
-Runs all CS4 Software like a charm.
-Pretty big monitor is sick...
I plan on reformatting the hard drive to clean out all my stuff before I sell. If you want Vista or 7, we can talk that over. Also, we can work something out about the adobe software.

Looking for 750+ship. Post in the thread/PM me. Check my profile feedback if my legitness is in question. WOOORD~