So I am sure someone will throw out a search bar comment but fuck em. This hasn't been brought up to my Knowledge since super unknown IV, so I am throwing it out again. Rank the Super Unknowns. Rank their influence, and their segment quality, or just their importance to level 1. They all kill it so before you freak out that your favorite is at the bottom try to rank all 6 and see where you end up.
1. Corey (I would have given it to Tom, but Corey did the first pretzel ever and I think that is a trump card)
2. Tom
3. Brogan
4. JD
5. Clarke
6. Eriksson (give him time)
Segments in level 1 movies:
1. Tom
2. Corey
3. Eriksson
4. JD
5. Clarke
6. Brogan
Tell me what you think