Transfered to a new school last january and met some kids to shred with. the local hill is about 80 miles away and so last year we would all jump in each others cars and go up for the day. fast forward to last week. invited friend A for opening weekend and to stay at my gf's cabin for the weekend and while shredding he was wearing a pair of gloves that i thought i had lost or loaned out last year without getting back. i asked him where he got them and he made up some bullshit story about getting them for christmas. today we were in a conversation about how a kid on the same trip with us hadnt paid for gas and he was trippin about it and out came the fact that the gloves i saw him wearing on opening weekend were actually mine and that he had kept them because one time last year i didnt offer to pay for gas on the 80 mile trip to the local hill with some other homies when he drove. i was shocked that he would actually keep and use a piece of someone elses gear that had far more value ($70) then the amount of gas owed (came out to $6 after I just did the math). I am one of those kids who always ends up driving because im always willing to go wherever and do anything so i know what its like to get seriously shorted on gas and because of that i wouldnt go out of my way to fuck someone else over. he said that not paying for gas that one time last year was a sign of disrespect and i deserved what i got. i told him that i would never intentionally try to disrespect him and if he asked me for gas money or reminded me when we got home that i would surely pay him. what the fuck is the deal with kids thinking people are evil and the world is out to get them.
lets here it NS