NS i need your help!
Here's a rundown of what happened:
So it's a nice sunny Wednesday afternoon, and my mom is taking me out to lunch one last time before I start my journey back to college for school the next day. Before we go to lunch however, she told me that she would have to stop by the bank first. I just said "yeah, thats fine." So she's in the bank and I'm fucking around in her brand new car (2010 Toyota Prius lol); turning knobs, pressing buttons, and opening all sorts of compartments. I eventually get to the glovebox and when I open it, there are some delightful looking chocolates wrapped in tin foil. I was hungry as ballz, so i started to munch on them. After about the seventh or eighth chocolate, my mom climbed back into the car and says:
Mom: You haven't been eating those chocolates have you?
Me: What does it look like?
Mom: Honey!!! those are filled with estrogen.
Me: .....(and i mean a long pause).....god damnit mom. GOD DAMNIT! Seriously?!?
Unfortunately they were in fact filled with estrogen: enough estrogen in each chocolate to be taken once a day.
So I am freaking out right now. Am I going to start getting all emotional in nonemotional situations? Am I about to sprout a pair of fucking titties? We've called the doctor and are awaiting his reply as to what's going to happen to me; But i want to know now cause I'm fucking scared. And please, don't send me links to websites cause i've checked them all and they are all telling me mixed information as to what will happen. Anyone who has had a similar or somewhat similar experience to this one please provide information. Please!!! I'm really freaked out right now and need some positive support from you guys. Thanks NS.