Dear Victor,
It breaks my heart to be so far away from you and see you so little now, especially since you have a sweet beard these days. So as a tribute to your unprecedented awesomeness, I think we should all share stories of how you have improved our lives:
1) oh hey nicole/swastika tattoo on the way to holiday valley
2) snowballin bitches at snowshoe
3) PC trips/cutting your thumb
4) Deer mounting
5) Sharing a bathroom to puke in at taylors/you getting my in trouble by pouring jim beam down my throat
6) sky terror
7) watching BP get robbed after late night at brandywine
8) falling into the stick things at brandywine
9) you getting in a fight at brandywine and blaming it on me so they wouldnt fire you but they did anyway and they revoked my pass
10) dropping your brand new skis on my foot and the resulting bloodbath/smiley face drawn on your car
11) telling my boss you were gay so you would clean really well in order to get you a job
12) im sure you can add many more victor babe.
This is just my way to proclaim my love for you and to let everyone know i miss the hell out of you! Keep being awesome!
Love always,