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I put this in the regional forum too but I though it wouldnt hurt to put it here too.
Hey guys and gals Im trying to become a resident and be able to get in state tuition and I was seeing if anyones been through the process before and could give some help.
Okay so I have been in Colorado since last September I stay over the summer and was on a lease for those three month otherwise I have been in the dorms. I've had a full time job and i work part time right now. Im a scholorship student if that matters.
I havent gotten a licence or changed my voter registration yet but I can easily do that.
Im not just trying to get cheaper tuition its just that I have been planning on living in colorado and I've been going to a private school but now I want to switch majors and go to CSU but their would be no way I could afford it since Im paying for college on my own.
Thanks if you read that all and if your able to help I would great appriciate it.