So I did something retarded, and bid on a camera without fully reading the description which was retardedly wrong, but the people who are selling it false advertised it, being i searched in the 8mp section and the camera is only 3.2 mp's, but in the title it says 8.
I filed a you can't fuckin do that complaint to ebay and reported it, but the biddings over and i've won this piece of shit 3.2 mp camera.
Anybody know anything I can do to not get bumped from ebay for not paying for it ( cause if i have to, all i'm gonna do is get it and send it back, which is a waste of my time and i have to pay for shipping )
I don't care if i get neg repped or whatever, i just don't want to have to pay this fucker for this wrongly advertised piece of shit.
Help me out ns