Replying to Mini Rant: Non descriptive outerwear descirptions
So Looking for a new jacket seems extremely difficult this year because of half assed product descriptions. You would think the best place to get information would be directly from the brands website, but it seems majority simply have a picture and a few generic specs, or an unrelated story about the pieces name, its really not that helpful. You would think at a minimum you would be able to tell if the piece is insulated or just a shell, but I have found 4 brands now who apparently do not think that is relevant information to buyers. I will not mention names but this seems pretty typical of most of the brands
Note: No I can't just go to a shop and see, I am looking for something higher end then the 3in1s generally carried in most shops here
Sparks Notes for the Lazy: Outerwear companies need to start providing more relevant specs and descriptions on their websites
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