Replying to Pa drivers liscence halp..
Ok, so a month ago i went and failed my drivers test because, and only cos i stoppes a little bit past the stop sign and didnt wait three seconds before i stsrted moveing again. The lady said that i failed to completely stop at stop signs? I did though it was total bs. So im going again tom and i was wondering like what the safest thing to do at a stopsign to pass my test would be? Theres two stop signs that have a line and obveously there im going to stop at the line and wait three seca and then go, but theres a few signs that dont have the line and im really second guessing what i should do there. what i was going to do is stop like 5 feet before the stopsigns without the lines, wait three secs, then move up slowly and go when im clear of traffic. Is this right? ans im like second guessing bigtime because were the stopsigns are you cant tell if theres oncomeing traffic comeing, so im not sure if i should stop at the sign and wait three secs or stop at the sign three secs and then move up slowly to were i can see the traffic and stop again? be mindfull the assholes can fail you because of "overcautiousness" to so whats the best thing to do. Or, if you remember what did you do on your test? Thanks for getting through all that + K for help
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