1. Paypal only for money
2. Trades welcome on everything.
3. I'm 6'2 190
lets get it started then
1. XL Jiberish Level 1 Crew
Once owned by Kyle Decker. Usual cracks on the back and balls on the cuffs. One small hole on the back near the tag (pictured). Washed a couple times, always hung dried. Looking for 2xl (last year) or 3xl (this year) jiberish, but could be convinced to sell for the right amount of cash.

Cracks on back:

Balls on cuff:

Hole (not even as wide as my pinky):

6'2 190 lbs:

2. XL Orage Masters pants in Green Tweed.
Got these off ns, dont need them anymore. Accepting trades on anything or cash. Make an offer.

Pulled up like my grandpa:

Sagged like a newschooler:

The colors got a little messed up, it's more green than it shows.
3. 2xl DC Therm in the dark green camo colorway.
Pattern is money signs:

Thing fits HUGE, comes like 1 inch from my knees.

4. Crowbar setup.
Red Static strap
Gloss Black frame and riggers
VR28 lense
Again, got these on ns. Look almost new, a few smudges and scratches, but nothing major. Never worn skiing BY ME. Looking to get a grey polarized lens, pm me and we'll work something out if you have one. That, or a full setup with a black irid lens.

That's all folks! Thanks for looking.