Sorry, when I typed it out i was a little stressed from ticket and it was late. I have a total of 8 demerits that I am allowed to get, this was my first driving offence, so
I got 2 demerits which leaves me with 6/8 demerits left. I was the only other one on the highway besides the cop. Sorry now that I read it it makes me seem like I was passing a car, but I was actually only passing a car that was oncoming (it's only a 2 lane highway.) So I wait for that car to drive past and after he is about 10 m behind I accelerated (I waited till he passed incase it was a police officer) and that is when the lights came on and he turned around on the highway.So really he was behind me going the other direction when he turned his lights on. This was at night too.
Next topic: Its not the $89 dollars that is holding me back from buying the car, it is the raise in insurance that will go up to about $3000 a year for insurance on the subaru. (500 a year over what insurance would have been for the subaru.) So if I dont buy a new car, the insurance company wont bring up my history and my insurance wont go up.
The car I intended to buy, would have been payed solely by myself. It was not a new Sti, it was a 1994 and it was $5500 dollars. Which is infact something I can afford, and it would be payed off straight up, so I would have money to pay for everything else that needs to be done.
I have no problem paying the ticket. I know if I go to court I will end up paying anyways, I would just like to talk to the prosecutor and ask him if there was anyway he could knock off 1 demerit or both, and I would be open to paying a higher fine. I can't guarantee it will work but it might considering my mom has worked at the court house for 25 years and I know the majority of the prosecutors and judges there.