The responses to this thread are ridiculous - borderline retarded! The argument instantly went to both extremes! Did anybody care to ask or find out the actual story before so confidently stating that the OP was a "retard", or a "success story" or whatever the fuck you idiots said? At least there were one or two people who tried simply to answer this kid's question...
But seriously. I know somebody who got a DUI for sleeping in his car, parked and turned off, at the side of the road. He simply needed a bed, and put his keys on the passenger seat. Cop pulled up, and he blew over and got a DUI. In no way had he planned on driving.
Another example. We're at a party, bunch of cars in the driveway. A cop is waiting for people to try to drive home, however nobody who was drinking had any intentions of doing so. One girl, however, was a DD, and she was double parked by a kid who had been drinking. His car was old, with a finicky clutch, and he was the only one who could get it into reverse. So, he went outside, backed out onto the shoulder of the road at the end of the driveway so that she could get by, and BAM cop flashed the cherries and got a DUI.
I'm not saying that this kid is innocent... christ i know kids who have died as a result of such incidents! However, what I am saying is that if you want to rant, find out the full story ahead of time. With limits as they are nowadays, some small people could blow over with so much as one drink! I dont know about you guys, but most people are still safe to drive after a glass of wine or a beer...
Clearly the idea of DUI is bad, and I am FIRMLY against drunk driving! But fuck, everybody jumps to some serious conclusions. I am willing to bet half the people who posted in this thread aren't even old enough to drink anyway!
That's the end of my post. I can't answer your question OP, but I'd say that it's probably a good idea just to take a break for a while anyway...