Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,144
Riiiiiight.... Sinister, you back the guy up like he's your wife. No, it doesn't take any talent to fall off a cliff. Try it, you'll be surprised to find you can, in fact, do it. I agree with 4skizzle in so much as the record for cliff drops should be limited to LANDED cliff drops. And just as he's in his nice ''boring life'', as you call it, you can be contentedly mired in poverty, without the means for a lift pass, or even dinner anywhere else than the drive through wherein you so conveniently find your career. Amazing as it may seem, other people are ALLOWED to have opinions about skiing, and you don't need to bitch at them when they express them.
J.D.'s Hall of Fame for Stupid Posts:
''mad trix is a gay name. go with the k2's.'' -Linepunk
''Dude, Americans or Canadians didn't invent english, the British dudes did.'' -Chauncy
''Gay people are fags'' -Atlantaski
''dude i am literat i just cant spell worth shit u got prob with it bitch'' -Bridgerbowlskier
''Gay marriages are gay.'' -SUpilot
'if it werent for women, i wouldnt have to wear condoms' -Hucksterjibber