Turned 18 on Friday so we were going to party. We couldn't really find anything so ended up tagging along with a friend to some kids house he was invited to. Showed up, it was alright.
There was like 4 girls and like 15 guys. Some girl asks me to hold her phone I say sure and she puts in my pants pocket. We start to make out. I ask her to toke and we go out to my car with my friend and my other friend and some girl he was with. She sits on my lap and lights it for me.
We make out, get onto a bed. Things start to heat up and she says we should wait till we get to her friends house.
Plan was for me and my 2 friends, one of whom is hanging out with the girl who owns the house, to go to her house with this other girl and crash there over night.
Not being a dick, I agree to wait and we continue to make out. I go inside to get a beer or something and come back to the garage and she's by the beer pong table with bra and panties. I say what ever and walk back inside to chill and play pool. She comes back in, we make out again. Her friends Dad shows up, her friend goes outside and talks to her Dad. Her Dad gets upset she's so drunk and says no one can come over. So this girl I've been trying to hook up with all night has to leave. We don't even have time to say bye or anything.
Think I fucked up somehow or just a victim of circumstance with that girls Dad saying no one can come over?
Oh and the whole night despite having her phone and being around her, I forgot to ask for a phone number.