Ok Japan attacked, and continued to attack us in the first place. Just puttin that out there. Just puttin that before the world bothered us, we were isolationist.
Small tribes are more cohesive, no shit, because concentrated interests have few like minded supporters. Small tribes cannot build schools, can not overcome comparative advantage (google it, its another one of your "fabricated" economic ideas), cannot specialize labor, cannot produce large cities, cannot produce information, cannot educate you or i to the degree we do, we could not ski, we could not do anything tha twe do today. we could hunt and strive to survive.
Before society, average life expectancy was under 30. In civilized worlds we now marry around 25 and live around 75.
Again, you are lacking in historical perspective. What do you mean humans NOW are so violent? Do you mean that in the context of our entire existence, or compared to Roman times, biblical times, or what?
No matter what, i can guarantee you, despite your own short experience, we live in a much more peaceful world today. Our war casualties are measured in few thousands, not few millions.
Tribes used to kill each other for food. Would you rather 2 300 million people nations war with their 100,000 people armies, or would you rather 15 million 20 man tribes battle in a free for all? In fact early humans probably wiped out neanderthals as a race completely through fighting.
Homo erectus, a proto-hominid invented weapons to be used on other homo erecti
Hannibal killed over 100,000 Romans in one day of battle. People in ancient times were used to killing several hundred thousand men by sword and spear.
625,000 americans lost their lives in the civil war.
60 million people were killed in world war ii.
1,100,000 vietmenese were killed on both sides. 58,000 americans lost their lives in the vietnam war
compare that today where we have relatively low crime compared to the 60's, and our wars cost 5,000 soldiers, not 5 million.
How are you going to argue that collectively, small tribes, on average had greater access to resources than humans do today? Youre going to tell me a nomadic tribesmen would have access to nylon or plastic, materials which have been used to save countless numbers of lives? Or are you one of those earth types that believes humans prosper but are only parasitic beings to the earth?