I agree with everything you said, except the alcohol content in cheap beer. This may be true for light beer since the way most breweries make a beer "light", is by reducing the alcohol level because alcohol is a contributes the most to the total calorie count per can. However a non-light beer, ie Coor, Budwieser... ect. are usually around 5%. That's over the limit in Utah and thus Utah receives a different beer, with less alcohol, than is sold in another states. Utah is not the only state to buy reduced alcohol beer. That same mixture is used in CO for sales outside of a liquor store. For example, If I buy a case of Coors at Safeway, it will have the same lowered alcohol content as the UT beer. Conversely, if I buy a case of coors at a liquor store, it will have the heightened standard amount (5%). Many other states have similar rules to effectively reduce the places where a full alcohol content beer may be sod.
Bottom line, if you are really concerned with being able to drink at all times and what ever kind of alcohol you want while being close to skiing, then you need to move to Reno/Tahoe Nevada.