Alright. I searched, and i found. Well i found to much. lots of long quotes, lots of stupid quotes. so dont give me any searchbar crap
well i kinda have a second chance at my 222 skis (check out the 222/333 thread in gear talk).
i saw on TGR that this guy a quote put on his 222 skis and i really liked the idea. i believe this is "Strength and Truth"
well guys. i would love to do something like this
here are the guidelines.
-It has to be short. it can be a short sentence broken up between the two skis, two different short sentences, or two of the same little sayings (like hux et veritas). no more than two lines per ski?
-english, latin (i always thought that it was kinda cool?), or yittish (hehe, my family is jewish and yittish is always fun), or some other language like latin that isnt really spoken
-no NS related quotes. that means no "pee in her butt" or anything like that. no curses or jokes.
-it can be something ski related, or it can be some like "strength and truth"
I have some ideas, i was thinking like
"let it snow" in some other language
or on one ski "Keep your ski tips up" and one the other "Prepare to unload"
or maybe like "powder" on one ski and "ice" on the other?
it can be a quote, or it can be original.
cmon guys, give me some help!!!