Ok so last march i had a boot top frcture to my left tib/fib in 3 places. Im back and fully functional and playing sports again. My problem is that i tried my boots on the other day and the right one felt normal like it always has, but my left boot felt very cramped and i get a pain in my shin when i try to drive it into the tongue of my boot. The cramped feeling is in the boot where the widest part of my foot is. it is tight and awkard. my calf is also a little more cramped than usual.
The other thing is the pain in my shin, it is not my bone and i know that for a fact because my last x-ray which was about 2 months ago showed that the bone was done healing. Im driving my left foot just as much as my right. it feels like the boot just isnt moving as much as the other one and is very hard to flex and very stiff unlike my other one. I know NS isnt composed of doctors but if any people who have went through this could tell me if it could just be my nerves reconnecting or something.
Does this sound like a boot problem or a leg/foot problem?
any help is greatly appreciated! thanks guys!