For the ladies! Top and bottom used a handful of times last year, and taken good care of. No rips or tears, actually there's hardly any signs of wear. Both top and bottom are a matching blue. comes with purple detachable lining that has a little breast cancer patch on the left side and Oakley logo embroidered on. Also, there are pockets everywhere on this outfit. Oakley considers this in there “Park fit” category, fit my girlfriend great, wasn’t too tight and wasn’t gangster large either. The fitment is true to size. One of the best made pieces of outerwear I've seen. 10k waterproofing as well. Definitely will be great for the upcoming season.Jacket MPants LRefer here for the Oakley sizing chart:','size','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=750,height=500$110 shipped in USNo trades